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Looking up flights for the heck of it. I am feeling antsy to get out of Logan for a little bit. Also, I am procrastinating all of the real life things I have to do. 

But you guys, Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide workout is amazing. I am on about week two and I have never been more motivated. I love following her on INSTA and seeing all of the woman who are having such success from the guide. They inspire me!! I am loving that I am actually seeing results. 

Anyone else feeling like a vacation to Hawaii would be nice? Yeah me too. But I guess I'll listen to Bob Marley and play you tube videos of the beach over and over so I feel like I am there. #poorgirlprobs. Oh I also bought ACAI packets from whole foods. THEY ARE AMAZING!! A couple years ago when I was in Hawaii, I had 2 acai bowls everyday and sometimes I just crave them so I had to find a way to make my own. 

Well thats all I have to say!! Have a ___________ weekend!! 

Those days where you are like NO.

So can we talk about those days that just suck? I have had like three days in a row like that. I have no idea what the deal is, but I want to document them so I can look back and laugh and them down the road. 

To list a few: 

//  I hit a car... I was looking for my granola bar that fell on the floor and we were at a stop light. THE DUMBEST THING!!! I didn't realize my foot was off the break so I rolled forward but luckily it was so slow and didn't like fully run into them, just barely tapped them. Luckily there wasn't even a dent on his car. Gosh I was embarrassed. 

// Paying a SHIZ ton of money to print projects for design. Too much money.

// Missing my favorite person. (always)

// Taking a drug test for my new job and not being able to pee in the stupid cup... I can NOT pee under pressure!! hahaha so silly but I can't do it. (well after a while I finally did...)

// Endless projects with serious lack of motivation. Can I graduate yet and move to California? 

// My room that never stays clean. I always joke (to myself) that someone else comes in and tries on all my clothes and leaves them on the floor then doesn't clean them up. But nope, its just me. 

// Saying the wrong things. 

HAHA I am embarrassed to admit a majority of this... But it's all about keeping it real... Am I right? Luckily I have Natural Grocers to take my stress away. I stop there daily to by a kombucha and a healthy treat. It is my favorite part of the day most days. And I had to post that pic cuz I woke up with pretty good bed head. So I guess life isn't horrible ;) hehe


Can we all agree that winters totally suck? Ok maybe not all of us agree. But I seriously struggle in the winter time! My body is ready for the sun shine. Not only that but I am ready to shed my winter layer! YES! Freedom. I have just started Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide and I am so excited about it. I will let you know how it goes!! As well as that, I spin two times a week and I am starting to run. I mean serious business. I am feeling more motivated than ever! No sugar, but if I truly need a treat, I will make a healthy cookie. I am not interested in being deprived. They say the first few weeks are the hardest. And I am on about week 3 now and it's still hard. I am just being patient! Want to know my deepest secret? I am totally not comfortable with my body right now. But I am going to do some kick a$$ workouts and get my butt back in shape so I feel sexy and awesome come summer time. WHO'S WITH ME? 



Finally I am on my spring break!! And while I am mostly going to be catching up on homework and working at Michael Kors, I am super glad I got to escape to St. George for the weekend. I love breaks!! 
Also, I have some very exciting news!! I just got an Internship as the new SHOE DESIGNER for ALTRA! It is a dream come true. I get to design for a real company and to potentially have my designs sold online and in store!! I also get to help with the clothing line sometime down the road. I am so FREAKING excited. I am pretty excited to start my first job in the design world. 
I hope you all have a good spring break! If thats where you're at in your life, if not, have a good week at school/ work/ ETC! Thanks for reading!

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