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So its no secret that I have pretty crazy diet restrictions. Well as I am still a girl with cravings, sometimes I need to give into those cravings and treat myself. My sister Rachel and I have been doing what we call "fall baking days" for three years now. It is where we dedicate an entire afternoon to baking and we always make some sort of fun popcorn and another treat. Today seemed like the perfect day because it totally felt like Fall with all of the thunder showers and rain. This year we make candy corn popcorn, and sugar and cinnamon donuts.
The donuts were a win because the are Gluten free, egg free, and dairy free (except the butter) and those are all things that I have to stay away from. I have not had a donut in the longest time, and so these were just plain heaven.

I found the donut recipe HERE. I promise you will not be disappointed.

1 comment

  1. Um, YAY!! You're such a strong person to have all those restraints! Thank the heavens for recipes like this though, right!?


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