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Dinner for seven.


Last night was the beautiful girl on the rights birthday. We went rafting down the Provo River then went up to Sundance Ski Resort for a lovely dinner at our family's favorite restaurant, The Foundry Grill.  Rachel turned 19. I can't even believe it! Man oh man. 
She is moving out in a week to enter the real world. I will miss you :(
 I love my sister Rachel Ray! 



{Karli and Lola}

 Some people say that me and the cute blonde with the yellow shirt look like twins. . .
What do you think? Do we look like we belong to the same family?!

Hope your day has been lovely :) I know mine has!

p.s. happy birthday to my sis rachel ray!

A List. . .


I was bored in one of my classes and I decided to make a list of random things about me. . .

  1. I don't like reading but I wish I did.
  2. I don't like donuts                                                                                           
  3. I love the smell of sample perfumes when you turn the pages of your mag.
  4. I love the sound of a train.
  5. Before I fall asleep, all the drawers and doors must be closed.
  6. My favorite go-to snack is Graham Crackers with Honey and Peanut Butter
  7. Nilla Wafers are my weakness
  8. I don't like sea food
  9. I have never been to New York but it is a life long goal (hopefully sooner than later :)
  10. We are a family of 5 girls (I am right in the middle )
  11. I love my sleep. The snooze button is my friend.
  12. I plan a nap into my daily schedule
  13. I am lactose and tolerant. . . haha
  14. I hate to hear people chew loud
  15. My knuckles don't pop
  16. It is my water bottle, don't put your mouth on it
  17. If you pop your gum next to me, I might give you the death glare
  18. I am slightly obsessed with applying aquaphor to my lips
  19. Most nights, I am in bed by 9:30
  20. I once wore runners to school in seventh grade, i was literally embarrassed and have only worn flats since.
  21. I havn't had school lunch since the 1st grade (thanks to my loving mom who makes me a lunch every single day)
  22. I am a huge fan of lists
  23. I actually like Miley Cyrus
  24. I can only chew half pieces of gum
  25. I have no idea what is going on at a football game, I just cheer when everyone else cheers.
  26. I can't keep nail polish on for more than a day, and if it has the slightest chip, it comes off.
  27. If i don't know you, i am actually quite shy.
  28. I don't like cats
  29. I watched the Last Song 2 times a day for a week when it first came out. . . I still love it. 
  30. My favorite song changes every day

Bedroom make-over

This summer i did a lot more antique shopping. I found 4 more gold mirrors to add to my mirror collection and I also found 2 vintage suitcases. I am still looking for one more pinkish colored vintage suitcase to make it tall enough for a bedstand, but for now They are just decoration. I had a fun time hanging the mirrors up above my bed and rearranging the few things I had before.

{A gold mirror to keep my jewelry/perfume organized}

{Stack of my Mags. . . Teen Vogue-Lucky}

{My vintage suitcases with a gold mirror on top}


Jcrew shorts, Tj Maxx shirt, vintage earrings


This is my first post of outfit ideas! I love the idea of high wasted shorts and I was so happy when i found these ones on sale a jcrew. I found this outfit by accidentily setting my blue shirt on top of my shorts and I thought that they would look so good together.
 I tried it on and I liked the look.

Health and Beauty Tips


  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. We hear this all the time, but it really is one of the most effective ways of having a natural glow.  
  • Moisturize MORNING and NIGHT
  • Apply Sunscreen when in the sun to guard against harsh rays (rays are srongest between 11am and 3pm)
  • Wash face morning and night. ALWAYS at night. You don't want to sleep with your day face on.
  • Use a masque once a week
  • Try to get 7 hours of sleep each night
  • Eat with beauty in mind-fresh fruits and vegetables, fewer fats and fried fruits
  • Exercise every day to keep fit. (i.e yoga, skating, running, biking, swimming, dancing, walking)
  • Dedicate one night a week to a total beauty night- facial *sauna and a facial masque, deep condition for the hair, and a manicure and pedicure :)
*if you don't have access for a real sauna, here is an idea of how to make your own.
-pour boiling water into a large bowl
-lean over the bowl, close enough to feel the steam. place a towel over your head to tent in the steam. Leave for 3 to 5 minutes then apply moisturizer or facial masque.

Hope this helps!

I'm Back!

Wow sorry that it has been so long since I last posted! Here is an update of what has been going on in my life.

I came back from paradise and had to enter the "real world." I was ready to come home, but not ready for school and work!

I got asked to Homecoming by this sweet boy Devin. Last night, I answered my door and one of his friends was there and said that someone had a song for me. I walked down my front steps and there he was with his guitar and a cute song he wrote asking me to the dance. It was adorable :) What kind of dress do I want?!

I was babysiting tonight at a house that is on a farm, and I had to put the chickens in the coop! I was literally scared. I wanted to call someone to come help me but I decided to be brave :) I gathered 4 eggs. I was pretty proud.

I have made the longest "To Buy for School" list in the whole world, but I need to make money to acheive that!
Some items on that list:
  • Cream Skinny Jeans, faded and ripped straight leg jeans
  • Lots of dresses... long or short. (my new thing)
  • Cute sweatpants (I don't own one pair of sweats!)
  • Red Skirt
  • Wedges! {even when you are 5'10'' wear 4 inch heels and rock the height :)}
I have fallen in love with painting! I have been painting for the past 2 days and I can't stop! It is addicting. I will post pictures when my pieces are finished :)

My knee is better and I get to start skating again tomorrow! I also get my brand new skates... Can't wait!

I have decided I am going to change the way i do the blogging thing. I am going to turn my blog into a fashion blog as well as a blog about life, but I am excited to start the change!

I am going to be a Senior! I can't even believe it.

What has been going on with you?!

xoxo karli :)

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