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Did you see this?!


Wow. I saw this picture today and I got the chills. This picture was taking when everyone around them was rioting after the loss of the
Canadian Hockey team, the Canucks, to the Boston Bruins. I absolutely think this is amazing. How romantic is it that everyone around them is rioting and they are just stuck in the moment. WOW. I love it.

I have always been so into the cheesy kind of love. I guess that when you grow up with all sisters, that is what happens. We always watch chick flicks and by the end we are all in tears. Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version) is an all time favorite amongst me and my sisters. Another one of my favorite movies is the Last Song. I can't help but cry my little eyes out every time i watch it. It is so amazing. ( there is bad acting in some parts but you learn to love it anyway :) When it first came out, me and my younger sister Lola watched it no joke, 3 times a day for a week. I also sometimes think that Taylor Swift speaks to me when she sings. Do you any of you ever feel like a song was written just for you? I love it when that happens. I LOVE LOVE!!!! :)

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