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One of my fav pics |
Purple tie. |
I got a surprise package from Wisconsin last night which came after a moment of crying for no reason.(That is happening to me a lot lately...) It was perfect timing and it was just what I needed. I have been working two times a week with a doctor to heal this body of mine. He put me on this cleanse, it is a total body cleanse, and it is 21 days. Diet, supplements, drinks and all. It has made me an emotional wreck, filled with all of the weird things that happens to people bodies when they are getting rid of toxins. Not to mention I started it on my time of the month (timing) and so the emotions are just magnified and so even the littlest things are making me cry. Like it is lame guys.
I also started my new live in nanny job here in PC, and let me tell you, props to all of you mothers because I am exhausted by the end of the day. Like no energy (the cleanse isn't helping...) and holy, I just don't know how ya'll do it.
Annnnyway. Back to the story. So Tay has been out 9 months yesterday!!! I can't believe it. It is flying by. I get to skype him this sunday and I can't wait!! Oh man I love my Tay. I have no idea what I would be doing without him. So he sent me a package, mainly because I am going to Switzerland, so he wanted to send me something before I left. He sent me a Milwaukee Brewers T Shirt (his old one... I love) a San Francisco 49ers blanket, (two reasons for this, it's his favorite team, and we have both decided we are going to move there sometime in the very near future, I decided last summer that SF was my favorite City, and luckily Tay doesn't mind it either, so if things work out like we are planning on them, we will live there :). and some other stuff. I feel spoiled and loved and I couldn't ask for a better love on a mission.
I never really mention that I have a missionary, and I don't know why. I love him and miss him every day.
I hope you are all doing well. Thanks for reading my sob story.
kar kar
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