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TAY TAY!!!! He's so cute. 




My elder from Karli on Vimeo.
My missionary.

In honor of MY TAY coming home this week, I have decided to post all of the videos I have made of him cuz I'm cheesy like that......... 6 days. I made it. WE MADE IT!!!!!! 



Last night was a wedding for two of my friends. Mitch and Hunter. It was the prettiest thing you could ever see. The flowers were perfect and they had the Fiore pizza truck. It really doesn't come any better!! It was great to see old friends and rekindle friendships! 

Tony's Grove


Got my silver kicks^^^
Last night I went up to to Tony's Grove in Logan Canyon with all of my roommates. Holy smokes you guys, it is so pretty up there!! I cant wait to go back soon! Luckily I had my camera because it was just so beautiful!! 
I have missed doing photography and I am glad to be back to doing it!!

What my summer has looked like

My little sister Laura and I and all her friends went down to st. george one weekend...
This was like back in April but I never posted it until now. Also, My BB comes home in less than three weeks...

Bonfire with all my besties from High School 
My new bestie/ soul sister/ roommate Sid. 

A little Grad dinner for Laura and her friends. 

Spending the best 9 days at my cabin. I have been going there for 21 years and it is something
 I look forward to all year long!! 
A photo up near Montage in Deer Valley. I love Park City. So lucky to call it home! 

I got the coolest opportunity for my job with Icon to go on set of the photoshoot for the Apparel that is coming out soon. I get to help with next seasons apparel, so it was so cool that I was able to bear there and adjust clothing on the models and give my input for what looked best and stuff. I love my job! 
Laura just made me this pizza, so I would say life is pretty darn good!! 

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