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What my summer has looked like

My little sister Laura and I and all her friends went down to st. george one weekend...
This was like back in April but I never posted it until now. Also, My BB comes home in less than three weeks...

Bonfire with all my besties from High School 
My new bestie/ soul sister/ roommate Sid. 

A little Grad dinner for Laura and her friends. 

Spending the best 9 days at my cabin. I have been going there for 21 years and it is something
 I look forward to all year long!! 
A photo up near Montage in Deer Valley. I love Park City. So lucky to call it home! 

I got the coolest opportunity for my job with Icon to go on set of the photoshoot for the Apparel that is coming out soon. I get to help with next seasons apparel, so it was so cool that I was able to bear there and adjust clothing on the models and give my input for what looked best and stuff. I love my job! 
Laura just made me this pizza, so I would say life is pretty darn good!! 


  1. all of these pictures look so summery, i love it!! and you are beautiful!


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