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I'm Back!

Wow sorry that it has been so long since I last posted! Here is an update of what has been going on in my life.

I came back from paradise and had to enter the "real world." I was ready to come home, but not ready for school and work!

I got asked to Homecoming by this sweet boy Devin. Last night, I answered my door and one of his friends was there and said that someone had a song for me. I walked down my front steps and there he was with his guitar and a cute song he wrote asking me to the dance. It was adorable :) What kind of dress do I want?!

I was babysiting tonight at a house that is on a farm, and I had to put the chickens in the coop! I was literally scared. I wanted to call someone to come help me but I decided to be brave :) I gathered 4 eggs. I was pretty proud.

I have made the longest "To Buy for School" list in the whole world, but I need to make money to acheive that!
Some items on that list:
  • Cream Skinny Jeans, faded and ripped straight leg jeans
  • Lots of dresses... long or short. (my new thing)
  • Cute sweatpants (I don't own one pair of sweats!)
  • Red Skirt
  • Wedges! {even when you are 5'10'' wear 4 inch heels and rock the height :)}
I have fallen in love with painting! I have been painting for the past 2 days and I can't stop! It is addicting. I will post pictures when my pieces are finished :)

My knee is better and I get to start skating again tomorrow! I also get my brand new skates... Can't wait!

I have decided I am going to change the way i do the blogging thing. I am going to turn my blog into a fashion blog as well as a blog about life, but I am excited to start the change!

I am going to be a Senior! I can't even believe it.

What has been going on with you?!

xoxo karli :)

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