Hi. So here we go again. More selfies, because I am so glamorous and I don't have people to take pics of me... or money to pay people to take pics. So you get selfies. I am sorry!! Most glamorous blog award I know.
Anyway... Can I please just vent my brains out? I like making lists if you haven't noticed already.
// only 3 months and 20 more days-16 more weeks-112 days, worth of letters and emails to communicate and then I get the real deal!!! Hallelujah. I am so anxious it is unreal. I am like WHERE THE CRAP IS TAYLOR. I ask myself that all the time. Obvi I know the answer. I think I am the most impatient person. HURRY HOME PLEASE TAY TAY!
// I am going to Jackson Hole for the weekend!! HERE are some pics of my trip there last year with my family. I am really looking forward to it, even if it is only one day!! Craving the buffalo burger I had last year.
// I am craving Mexican food like crazy... Chipotle or anything I don't care I just need it always!
// So excited for summer!!! Bring it on. Only one more semester until I get to have a summer break. (summer school... go ahead and laugh.)
Thanks for reading!! xoxo
PS. The easter bunny bought me the cutest lipstick: CHATTERBOX
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