This weekend was such a blast. My beautiful friend Lauren married her missionary and the wedding was perfect!!! She looked beautiful and they are the cutest couple. After the wedding, I went to 180 Tacos with my other bff Zoë. I am a sucker for any type of mexican food. And honestly these tacos were pretty freaking yummy. I am envious that all you Provo peeps get to experience these tacos more than I do. But just eat an extra one for me. On Saturday I went skiing at Deer Valley with my dad and sister AJ. You'd think that since I live (lol even though I go to USU I am basically home most weekends) in Park City I would have been skiing by now. But nope!! Saturday was the first day of the season and I honestly loved it. I miss skiing. Although, my ankles are totally bruised from my ski boots. I have princess ankles, I am working on it. I remember when I lived near Sundance, we would go skiing then have a pizza and movie party at home. That is exactly what we did. We are re living the glory days!! We went home and made home made pizzas and watched a movie. On sunday we had a yummy sunday dinner. For some reason Sundays are the days I break down and can't stop crying. Gosh what is wrong with me. It's a little crazy. I will spear you the details but I am just going to give a SO to my mama who is so patient with me and listens to me and tells me I am a little crazy and brings me back to earth. Thanks VAL! I love you!
Lastly, that little bundle of yellow geometric-ness was a project I made for my 3D design class. Can I get a what what for making it into the display case? LOL. Obsessed with all things geometric right now. Truly can't get enough.
Well I guess I should probs do that stuff I gotta do now. I am totally procrastinating sitting here in the design lab blogging when I should be designing. #OOPS.
Arrivederci for now!
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