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Calligraphy to my man
Tay and I are planning to move to San Fransisco within the next three years if things go as planned.  He sends my little reminders like the 49ers blanket he sent me a few months ago, and this 49ers hat that he sent about a month ago. Basically I don't enjoy football, but I made a promise to myself that I would understand football by the time he comes back.
So I figured I would watch the 49ers tonight, but obvi I am super into it as I blog while I watch...
As for that pizza, It is straight up homemade Quinoa crust, with homemade pesto. All things that are compliant with my very strict eating lifestyle. If you want the recipe I can post it!
This is my favorite house in Utah. I don't know if I love it because it is in Tays neighborhood and it brings back good memories of him, or what. But I am in love with this house and want to live in it someday. 
Sundays are usually the only day of the week that I get ready, so I gotta document it. 
I was scrolling through my pics the other day and I just can't get over this one. He is the manliest man. I miss him. 
The 49ers hat I was talking about earlier!

Wheeler Farms in Holladay is just the cutest little farm.
I love taking the boys I nanny there for picnics and wandering and what not.
 If you ever have a chance, it is very relaxing and very pretty there!
Sorry that I can't get over my missionary... actually not sorry at all! 10 months. I can do this. I have some big decisions to make. Damn. I hate making decisions!!
Have a good week all of you :)

1 comment

  1. You can definitely do it! I'm sure you know it'll fly by :) And that house you found is adorable!


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