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July 4th {week in Cocolalla}

Nothing I love more than spending time with family at my beloved lake house (cabin) in Cocolalla, Idaho. It is our new family tradition to spend the fourth at City Beach parked on the beach with blankets and treats watching the fireworks as an entire family. Extended family included!! I love my family, and I love my cabin. Twas a good and short week (wish it was longer) I got to spend there after a month of traveling abroad!! Feeling so blessed. Now I am back at the nanny grind working 40 hours a week! Play time is over for a while :(


  1. could your firework pictures be cooler. ahaha seriously so awesome though.
    the little diary

  2. Thanks love! I saw your 4th of july pics and they were awesome as well!!

  3. you are looking fabulous in that red hair, & your fireworks pics are incredible! ps, where is cocolalla (coolest name ever) in Idaho?

  4. also, to answer your question, i got a bmw e281! i absolutely love it. we're not currently living in provo, but i do want to move back. we just moved out of our old apartment like two months ago, and we're currently in af. but i do miss provo. there's so much awesomeness there.
    the little diary


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