I have to give pinterest some credit for helping me come up with this gem. I would also like to thank the Four Seasons garden in Logan, Utah... I may have stolen a tulip...
Last night I watched the season finale of One Tree Hill, I also spent my last night in Logan Utah for about a year.
I was accepted into the design program like I mentioned earlier, but I was also offered a great job as a live in nanny in Park City. It was so hard for me to make a decision for some reason! Make money and be close to home, or do what I love which is graphic design. I finally decided that living in Park City would be the best thing for me at this time. I have some health issues like I mentioned before, and I have just found a doctor that will be able to cure me!! He specializes in the Autoimmune disease that I have. I will be meeting with him 2 times a week for the next 6 months or until I am healed. I am so grateful that I found him. I have been dealing with these issues for too long, and I am getting so tired of living like this! Everything kind of happened at a perfect time. Luckily Switzerland study abroad is a semester of credits, or I would be a full year behind. But instead I will only be one semester behind, and I will have money in the bank. I am sure this job will be hard and a lot of work, but I can't wait to live in Park City again and be close to the people that I love. Graphic Design major I'll be coming for you August 2015!! (and that is when my tay gets home. It seriously couldn't be better)
This is all good stuff. It was a tough year, but I am glad I made it through. I am thankful for the supportive people around me. Feeling so blessed today!!
Last night I watched the season finale of One Tree Hill, I also spent my last night in Logan Utah for about a year.
I was accepted into the design program like I mentioned earlier, but I was also offered a great job as a live in nanny in Park City. It was so hard for me to make a decision for some reason! Make money and be close to home, or do what I love which is graphic design. I finally decided that living in Park City would be the best thing for me at this time. I have some health issues like I mentioned before, and I have just found a doctor that will be able to cure me!! He specializes in the Autoimmune disease that I have. I will be meeting with him 2 times a week for the next 6 months or until I am healed. I am so grateful that I found him. I have been dealing with these issues for too long, and I am getting so tired of living like this! Everything kind of happened at a perfect time. Luckily Switzerland study abroad is a semester of credits, or I would be a full year behind. But instead I will only be one semester behind, and I will have money in the bank. I am sure this job will be hard and a lot of work, but I can't wait to live in Park City again and be close to the people that I love. Graphic Design major I'll be coming for you August 2015!! (and that is when my tay gets home. It seriously couldn't be better)
This is all good stuff. It was a tough year, but I am glad I made it through. I am thankful for the supportive people around me. Feeling so blessed today!!
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