Yesterday was my 20th birthday. It sounds so weird saying that I am 20. I am no longer in the teens! What the. But anyway, last weekend I celebrated my birthday with my family which I posted about, and this weekend, my real birthday, I came home to go to a couple more Sundance Films with my sister Jaime. I had a very low key birthday, but it was so much fun. Jaime woke up and made me breakfast, then we went to a Sundance film called Fed Up which was about obesity in America. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE SEE THIS FILM!! After the film I went running. I tried to go 3 miles again, but since it was my birthday and I felt really tired, I only went a mile and a half... oops! After my run I met my sis at the gym to sit in the hot tub then go in the steam room. Amazing, except that the steam room kinda freaks me out. Only because I feel like I can't breathe. After that we made a healthy lunch with zucchini and vegetables. We decided what to do that night after I attempted making myself a black bean chocolate cake. I was so sad because it was completely ruined. IDK what happened, but it wasn't pretty. We went to Mexican, MY FAVORITE, for dinner, then came back and made acai bowls (since I have been obsessed with them every since I went to Hawaii this summer and had 2 a day) instead of a cake for dessert. It was such a great day. Thank you Jaime for making it so special!
And thank you to all of you who read :)
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