Diane Kruger is 4th from the right, and to the left of her is Seneca from the first Hunger Games!
The Director is on the far right. |
In line to see Better Angels. |
I ordered a steak for the first time ever.^ |
We rode the city bus home. You would not believe the traffic in Park City. Also, our ride feel asleep so... |
I am convinced that my birthday week falls on the best week of the year. Sundance Film Festival. It has been my families tradition to do dinner at Sundance Foundry Grill for the past 5 years or so. This year we decided to make reservations on Main Street so we could be more involved in all of the action of the film festival. We had dinner at Mustang. I ordered a steak and fries you guys!!! I am pretty sure that last night was the first time ever that I ordered a steak. And let me tell you... It was delicious. Perfect splurge for my early birthday celebration.
We went to the world premiere of the movie Better Angels. It was a movie about Abe Lincoln's childhood. It was honestly beautiful. The cinematography was unreal. After the show they had a Q&A session and brought up the actors. Diane Kruger was there. She is like a modern day Audrey Hepburn. She was a Ballerina for the Royal Ballet in London. She has the prettiest German accent and she was just so elegant. It was so cool to hear her side of the film and the process. Robert Redford was sitting on the same row as my sister, mom and I. So that was awesome.
I love the film festival. It is so cool to see people follow their dreams and make these documentaries. Can't wait to come back to Park City next weekend to see a couple more films! I hope everyone has a great long weekend!! Nothing better than a sunday night knowing you don't have school in the morning.
Good news, i stalked all of your blog only to discover that I am in every one of your posts:) #yayforbeingfamous