Shirt and earrings both BCBG. |
Ok disclaimer, I am going to get cheesy for a second. Taylor is in India for the next two weeks teaching english and doing humanitarian. What a good good guy. And they have made the rule that the people going can't text or call or even check facebook while they are there. So two nights ago was the first night in five and a half months (I'm a counter) that we haven't said goodnight... I am someone who needs closure, so it is so weird to me. I guess that this is good practice for when he leaves on his mission in August. He is going to Milwaukee Wisconsin Spanish speaking. I am so happy for him/ not looking forward to it at all. This will just be my little less rude awakening to practice before he leaves for two years. So I guess these couple of weeks are the best thing for me. (trying to be a half glass full kind of person)
Also side note, last night we watched Life of Pi. My family and I have been analyzing that movie all morning/ afternoon. It is one that is so symbolic and it had some very deep themes and morals. I like to analyze things, no matter what it is, so this movie was very entertaining to me.
** this is a picture of us last week at a lacrosse game, I was like Tay just pay attention to me, he is a sports guy and I just take pictures of us while he tells me to pay attention. haha me pay attention to sports? that is cute.
You look way pretty!