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Do you ever have days where your ideas get ahead of reality?! Well that happens to me on a daily basis and today (also over that past few weeks or so) I have been in love with the idea of either working in or running a bakery. Who knows what this daydream will turn into, but for now it is just fun. I love the cozy and friendly atmosphere of being in an environment with food and good people. There really is just something about it.

I was talking to my family the other day and I suggested the idea "Karli's Cupcakes" I mean it would be an alliteration and I love cupcakes so it seems perfect. That idea was quickly shot down by my seven year old sister screaming "NO". Well Andee, we sure aren't going to call it Andee's Cupcakes... (watch as that is the name we decide on) haha well whatever the name we decide on, it will be good.

I hope your weekend was a good one! I started work and am extremely excited about it! I had a very successful sale my first night and was very happy. Any recommendations on comfortable yet fashionable shoes? Six hours of being on my feet really does me in.

Please tell me I am not the only one who finds myself confused during class or a conversation because I just had a brilliant idea that just needs to be heard!

Cheers! xx

How to Pipe the Perfect Rosette Cupcake


I promised a How To on piping the rosette onto a cupcake. Here is the easiest and fastest way to do it and it only takes less than 30 seconds! It looks beautiful and takes no time at all. I really hope that this helps!

Thanks to my mom for helping me make this video, and for lending me her beautiful voice!

Here is to a bright week

My lovely fellow blog friends, I am in serious need of a new book to read. I am open to any new suggestions! I would absolutely love any recommendations you may have for me :)

I am really loving these colors right now. I know that I posted SJP here, but hey, why not brighten your day with these colors? I know that when I wear all black (that is my new dress code for when I start work...) it changes my mood. If you have an all black dress code, maybe a hot pink or red lip would make the difference! I feel much more vibrant, excited and awake when I wear colors that are bright and bold. I know that this wearing this would be a bold move, but it wont go unoticed! I also love Emma's Skirt with the poof in the first picture.

Tip of the day: I heard somewhere that if you add a bit of baking soda to your shampoo, it really leaves your hair much shinier and it takes out all of the chemicals like hairspray, product and other things that you may have in it. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks and I have really noticed a difference. Pour only the size of a nickel into your hand of shampoo, then add about half the amount of that in baking soda. Rub your hands around and then scrub your hair. It works like a charm!

I hope everyone had a lovely week! Be sure to check back again soon! And remember, your week is what you make it, so make it a good one! Again, any book recommendations would be really appreciated!

I have a thing for


Big Bulky necklaces.
Black nail polish
Just found mlovesm. love it.
 bold patterns and color from Kate Spade

Anyone have any recomendations of a good black nail polish?! I am excited to have a much needed relaxing weekend. Thanks for reading! Be sure to come back soon :) Have a lovely weekend.

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Here is a thought...


Question (or thought, whatever you want to call it) for the girls. What is it that you first find yourself attracted to in a guy?!

 That is easy for me, I know it may sound shallow, but if you don't know them at all you aren't going to know right away if they are the sweet, caring or “how they treat their mom”  (this stuff is for later, we are talking just laid eyes on the guy) so you go for the obvious.

The thing I look for first is if they are tall or not. Since I am tall, I want to find someone that I can wear heels with. I don't want to tower over my husband/ boyfriend at all (even though it seems acceptable in Hollywood? Hello Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes… are they even still married?)

The second thing I look for is how they dress. I think that the way a guy dresses really tells a lot about them right off the bat. I definitely want someone who dresses with class because then I can tell right then and there that they care and that they respect themself. But don’t worry, there is still hope. If they are still all about the sweat pants… Help them girls!

If we are only going for the top 3, I would say the third thing that catches my eye is just the way they carry themselves. I  probably as well as many of you want a man that has confidence. There is nothing more attractive than a guy who knows when enough is enough with whatever it may be, or who can take charge and say what is on his mind.
So I am curious... What is it that you first look for in a guy?! Leave a comment! I am sure others and myself would love to know!

And remember swag is for boys, class is for men

As always, thanks for reading along! xx

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